So, how’s your self-discipline doing ? …

Up to 95% of our decisions and actions are completed on autopilot

The remaining 5% require conscious choices and self-discipline

We have a limited daily budget of self-control, which may already be used up managing our emotions in times of greater stress

So we have the unhappy combo of needing more self-discipline than usual, whilst having less to spare

The solution is to rely less on self-discipline and instead increase

To boost MOTIVATION we need to

Reconnect with our REASONS for doing something

Get a blank sheet and write out your answers – be specific:

  1. WHY do I want to do this?
  2. What’s getting in the way?
  3. What can I do to overcome these barriers?
  4. What actions can I take to get going?

Tips to reconnect with your WHYs:

  1. Towards Pleasure”  eg I want to feel in control and know I’m doing a good job
  2. Away from Pain” – if I don’t exercise I will lose my fitness levels, put on weight, negatively impact my mood and my confidence
  3. Internal – because I want to do it for myself – generating lasting motivation
  4. External – because someone else wants me to do it – generating a short term boost
  5. Imagine having successfully completed your task – visualise that moment in time:
    – Where are you? What are you thinking, feeling, doing?
    – Who are you with?
    – Close your eyes and create as much of that moment as you can
    – Build the emotion as intensely as possible NOW write your Whys
  6.  Then repeat the exercise imagining yourself having failed to complete your task
  7. Given the current uncertainty, it may be difficult to connect to a motivating future BUT “This too shall pass” and where do you want to be when it has?

Other Quick Motivation Boosters:

  • Do the hardest stuff first
  • Take one small step – success breeds success
  • Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good
  • 5 minute Rule – you can do anything for 5 mins
  • Power 1/2 hour – set the clock and go hell for leather for 30 mins – it’s amazing how much you can get done
  • Do something today that your future self will be proud of 🙂

And of course, I’m here to support you – online or face to face in Acton, Chiswick or Windsor.

Wishing you Well & Happy

Crisis Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner
07946 526 838

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